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2021 de.Hackathon Winners' Showcase

Hack.Diversity is excited to celebrate the hard work of the 2021 Fellows during our third annual de.Hackathon Showcase on Thurs., June 3.

Hack.Diversity is excited to celebrate the hard work of the 2021 Fellows during our third annual de.Hackathon Showcase on Thurs., June 3.

About this event

Fellows have been working on their de.Hackathon projects for the past few months - tackling challenges at the intersection of the future of work, technology, and community development - and now, the teams look forward to finally showing off their work!

Fellows are competing for prizes, most notably the chance for continued feedback and venture coaching from investors within the New England Venture Capital network. Showcase attendees will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite team, and will also hear from some amazing community experts on the same challenging questions that Fellows have been working to address.

New This Year:

As Hack.Diversity continues to grow, so does de.Hackathon.

This year’s program will culminate in 2 Expo Nights at the end of May - and a final Winners' Showcase on Thurs. June 3 @ 5:30 - 7:30 pm EST.

  • Expo Nights are open to Hack.Alumni, Mentors, select friends of Hack.Diversity, and invitees of Fellows.

  • The Winners' Showcase is open to the public, and features Expo Night-winning teams as well as lightning talks, remarks, and judging from industry experts and special community guests.

We will host an engaging virtual program again this year - and are very excited to announce that it won’t be on Zoom! Register for the surprise and full details.

This is a Contribute-What-You-Want experience, with $0 minimum.

If you are inspired by the Fellows, and Hack.Diversity’s impact to-date, we invite you to join the movement. All proceeds support Hack.Diversity's mission to tap into the full talent potential of the MA talent landscape.

At this time, as we continue to navigate our way through the rest of this pandemic as a community, we are raising funds to set our Fellows up for internship-to-retention success in three specific ways:

  1. Providing work equipment for Fellows who currently have a gap between what employers can provide them and what they need to set up a productive remote work environment

  2. Providing transportation assistance to Fellows whose companies require them to be on-site, but do not provide commuter benefits to interns

  3. Subsidizing internship payment for Fellows who are qualified but will be matched into a valuable project-based experience that is currently unpaid

Contribute what you want, whether that is $0 or $100+ - and know that your attendance is appreciated regardless. If you are unable to attend, but would like to make a donation anyways, you can also do so directly here.

Join us for as much as you'd like to or are able - this event is one you won't want to miss!

*Wait, what is a “de.Hackathon”?

In short, a deconstructed Hackathon. Instead of a one-weekend sprint, our de.Hackathon starts in January and ends with the final Winners’ Showcase in June.

All Fellows are split into teams, and complete a series of four de.Hackathon workshops (ideation and research, prototyping, testing, business design and pitch development) led by Shuya Gong of IDEO CoLab. Fellows have been working on technology-enabled solutions to propose, addressing the following questions:

  • How might geographically distributed teams (including gig workers, folks in different time zones, and companies without brick and mortar offices) collaborate, connect, and stay inspired throughout a project?

  • How might we empower small business to upmarket themselves in a neighborhood where early signs of gentrification are taking place?

  • How might we open up participatory budgeting to be truly participatory within a community?

  • How might we increase access to foods that contribute to preventative health?

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