
ANGELA LIU (she/her)

Angela Liu joined Hack.Diversity as the cofounders’ first hire in 2017. She now leads Strategy and Growth at Hack.Diversity, building a national coalition of partners committed to integrating racial equity, diversity, inclusion (REDI) into business priorities so that we may achieve sustainably transformative systems to hire, retain, and elevate Black and Latinx professionals in tech.

She holds a decade (and counting) record of progressive responsibility and impact at the intersection of equitable STEM workforce development, economic mobility, and corporate responsibility. Previous work contributed toward access and equity efforts of MIT, National Science Foundation, AmeriCorps Jumpstart for Young Children, and Georgetown Center for Social Justice. She is a naturalized U.S. citizen, educated by Boston Public Schools, and raised by proud blue-collar workers perplexed about all her decisions, yet resignedly receptive nonetheless. She often reflects on how she was Asian before it was cool, and operates daily on the strong belief that all should exercise their power to question the status quo, break cycles, and apply the innovation principles we applaud to social challenges. 

Outside of Hack.Diversity, Liu’s priorities include chairing the Community Advisory Board of WBUR, diving down Wikipedia rabbit holes, and traveling through occasionally divey, dicey, but always delicious, adventures.

Learn more about Angela on LinkedIn.


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